Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How to flatten hierarchy and associations (for data warehousing design and data security in framework manager)

By applying data warehouse dimension modelling methodology, we need to make data model more understandable to the people, who use the data. Usually, there are two groups of complicated dimension, or hierarchy and associations.  By flattening hierarchies and associations and not losing any data in the process, we can eliminate snow flaking in the star schema. In addition, row level security can be easily implemented on flattened dimension.  This document is intended to provide a sample dataset to demonstrate this idea.  Please download SQL script for detail review.


Please see structure below

It presents two relationships:

  1. Hierarchy, or parent – child relationship
  2. Associations, employee111 can see data of employee112 and employee113

Raw data

These relationships are hosted in two tables

-- Hierachy
CREATE TABLE hierarchy
    id       INTEGER NOT NULL,
    parentid INTEGER NULL,
    name     VARCHAR(20)

INSERT INTO hierarchy VALUES (2,1,'Director1')
INSERT INTO hierarchy VALUES (3,2,'Manager11')
INSERT INTO hierarchy VALUES (4,2,'Manager12')
INSERT INTO hierarchy VALUES (5,3,'Employee111')
INSERT INTO hierarchy VALUES (6,3,'Employee112')
INSERT INTO hierarchy VALUES (7,3,'Employee113')
INSERT INTO hierarchy VALUES (8,4,'Employee121')
INSERT INTO hierarchy VALUES (9,4,'Employee122')
INSERT INTO hierarchy VALUES (10,4,'Employee123')


-- association
CREATE TABLE association
    id     INTEGER NOT NULL,
    associationid VARCHAR(10) NULL


INSERT INTO association VALUES (5, '6')
INSERT INTO association VALUES (5, '7')
INSERT INTO association VALUES (8, '9')
INSERT INTO association VALUES (8, '10')

Flatten hierarchy and association

-- Flatten hierarchy and association
WITH ctehierarchy
    AS (SELECT id,
               name                       AS Level1,
               Cast(NULL AS VARCHAR(255)) AS Level2,
               Cast(NULL AS VARCHAR(255)) AS Level3,
               Cast(NULL AS VARCHAR(255)) AS Level4,
               0                          AS Level
        FROM   hierarchy
        WHERE  parentid IS NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT Child.id,
                 WHEN level + 1 = 1 THEN name
                 ELSE level2
                 WHEN level + 1 = 2 THEN name
                 ELSE level3
                 WHEN level + 1 = 3 THEN name
                 ELSE level4
               level + 1
        FROM   ctehierarchy
               JOIN hierarchy child
                 ON child.parentid = ctehierarchy.id)
-- Concatenation
SELECT ctehierarchy.*,
FROM   ctehierarchy
                        Stuff((SELECT ',' + a.associationid AS [text()]
                               FROM   association a
                               WHERE  a.id = b.id
                               ORDER  BY a.associationid
                               FOR xml path('')), 1, 1, '') AS associationedIDs
                 FROM   association b
                 GROUP  BY id) association
             ON ( ctehierarchy.id = association.id )
ORDER  BY ctehierarchy.level1,

Row level security

There are many ways to use this dimension for row level security, please see old post (How to implement row level security in framework manager) for detail review.
The easy way to use is to apply data security in framework manager


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